Periodontal Disease Specialist

Dentistry in Paradise

Kevin Miller, DDS

Dentist located in Santa Barbara, CA

Periodontal Disease may be found during a regular dental check-up. At Dentistry in Paradise in Santa Barbara, CA, periodontal disease can be both diagnosed and treated before it can cause more severe issues for patients in the Santa Barbara and Goleta area.

Periodontal Disease Q & A

What is Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is an infection of the gums. Over time, periodontal disease will damage not only the gums but also the jawbone. The majority of periodontal diseases are not painful and may not have obvious symptoms, so it is very important that patients have regular check-ups with their dentist to be evaluated for signs of trouble. At Dentistry in Paradise, the team uses a diode laser that helps all the soft-tissue and hygiene procedures associated with periodontal disease.

What is the Cause of Periodontal Disease?

The main cause of periodontal disease is bacterial plaque buildup in the mouth. While plaque is easy enough to remove with basic brushing and flossing, these things must be done consistently. If plaque is left in place for even a few days, it will harden into tartar, which must then be removed by the dentist.

How is Periodontal Disease Diagnosed?

Periodontal disease is typically diagnosed during a periodontal exam, which is part of a regular check-up at the dentist. The dentist will use a periodontal probe to carefully take a measurement of the pocket in between the gums and the tooth. The depth of this measurement will reveal whether periodontal disease is present or whether the gums are healthy. Other things may contribute to a periodontal disease diagnosis, including the level of bleeding, the amount of inflammation, and the amount of movement that the teeth make.

What Are the Stages of Periodontal Disease?

There are three stages of periodontal disease. The earliest stage, gingivitis, often causes reddened and tender gums. Gums in this stage are much more likely to bleed than healthy gums are. In the middle stage of periodontal disease, periodontitis, the plaque on the teeth has hardened and turned into tartar. The gums typically start to slowly move backwards, and the pockets of bacteria between the gums and teeth worsen. Bone loss may begin, too. Advanced periodontitis is the final stage. The teeth will lose an ever-increasing amount of their support system. Gums will recede significantly, the jaw bone will deteriorate, and the teeth will often become quite loose due to lack of support. It is not uncommon for patients with this advanced stage of periodontal disease to lose teeth.

Major Insurance Providers Accepted

At Dentistry in Paradise, we accept most major insurance plans. Here is a short-list of just some of the most popular plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed

Blue Cross
Delta Dental
MetLife Dental
United Healthcare